Supervision of Self-Administered Medications

Participants who can self-administer medications may bring and be responsible for their own medications. Supervision of Self- administered medication shall not be construed to mean that the center staff shall provide supervision to the participants who are capable of administering their own medications. Under no circumstances shall an individual not licensed to administer medication, provide administration of medication to any participant.

Under no circumstances shall Santa Barbara Social Club, LLC retain or accept participants who cannot self-administer medication.

Supervision of Self-Administered Medication Include:

  • Reminding participants to take medication at the time indicated on the prescription.

  • Reading the medication label to the participants.

  • Observing the participants while they take medications.

  • Check the Self-administered dosage against the label of the container.

  • Reassuring participants that they obtain and are taking the dosage as prescribed.

  • Keeping daily record of when participants received supervision.

  • Immediately reporting apparent adverse effects to a participant's physician and next of kin/guardian.

in Santa Barbara Social CLub, LLC all medication will be subject to the: MEDICATION STANDARDS